This website is ghost town (and what I'm going to do about it!)

Cricket…cricket.. anyone here? Echo…echo…echo…

I’m just gonna go ahead and say it. This website has been absolutely neglected by me, and I have no excuses. In the pursuit of making content for YouTube, answering viewers comments on social media, and just doing additional things unrelated to the channel (work, family, just life in general) I have let just die a slow death to the point that I even considered just shutting it down as it serves no purpose.

Well, I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided I’m NOT going to be doing that. I originally intended this website as a venue to share my thoughts on new tech, news stories and more. But the reality was at the end of the day I just never got around to writing anything! But that’s when it hit me: this website can still be a great venue for my content outside of YouTube, and I should totally take advantage of including it into my workflow.

So here is the plan moving forward:

  • I will continue to posting random thoughts, blog posts and ideas on here. I also am going to start making it a habit of just writing whatever I feel like, mostly tech related, but hey sometimes it might not be, and that is fine.

  • I will also start integrating this site into my regular video releases. What does that mean? I will be linking my latest reviews and videos directly here, with additional written content (and photos!) for an added bonus on top of just the videos.

  • I eventually hope to host other content here including audio content (future podcast?) and other stuff that I want to share.

I commit myself to follow through on this. I’ve had some great ideas of things I’ve wanted to write about, but it really does seem looping this website into my typical “post a video” process is the best way forward. Anyway. Here goes! This is Frankie Tech signing ON!